بسم اللّه
9 Mar 2025

How did Imam SajjÁd (Ýa) go to Karbala and bury the body of his father while he was still a prisoner?

A question is asked how Imam SajjÁd (Ýa) buried the body of his father while he was himself a prisoner. We have many narrations which mention how each Imam (‘a) is shrouded and buried by the succeeding Imam (Ýa) and this is in accordance to Shia theology. For example, there is a tradition from Imam RiÃÁ (Ýa) which mentions this point in response to ÝAlÐ ibn Íamzah: The same one who gave ÝAlÐ ibn al-Íusayn (Ýa) the power (during his period of captivity) to go to Karbala and bury the body of his father, has also given me the power to go to Baghdad and take charge of the affairs of my father (Imam MusÁ ibn JaÝfar (Ýa)) and to then return. There is the difference though that the Imam (Ýa) was not a captive like ÝAlÐ ibn al-Íusayn (Ýa).[1] [2] _________ [1] BiÎÁr al-anwÁr, vol. 48, p. 270. [2] Taken from the text: ÝÀshÙrÁ, RÐshehÁ, RuÐdÁdhÁ, PayÁmadhÁ, by SaÝÐd DÁwÙdÐ and MahdÐ Rustam NezhÁd (compiled under the guidance of Ayatullah NÁÒir MakÁrim ShÐrÁzÐ)... sorce: http://makarem.ir/
