Ayatollah Khamenei's statement on Arbaeen 2015

Ayatollah Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, taught Dars-e Kharij this Monday morning and speaking at the session, His Eminence described the unique phenomenon of Arbaeen and the great and significant pilgrimage on this occasion as an eternal hasanah [good deed], saying: “The combination of ‘love and faith’ and ‘reason and affection’ is one of the unique characteristics of the Ahlul Bayt school of thought. The loving and religious movement of people from different countries in the world who participate in this unprecedented phenomenon is undoubtedly one of the divine signs.”
Pointing to the generosity and kindness of the people of Iraq in hosting Arbaeen pilgrims, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution stressed that those who have the opportunity to participate in this meaningful and significant movement should appreciate its value. He added: “We too envy the Arbaeen pilgrims from afar and we wish that we could accompany you.”
Ayatollah Khamenei reiterated that the opportunity to establish a spiritual and loving relationship with the Holy Prophet’s (s.w.a.) household (a.s.) and to visit these outstanding, prominent, enlightened and spiritual personalities is one of the privileges of the Shia school among Islamic denominations. He stated: “The great movement of people from Iran and other countries in the world for the sake of participating in the Arbaeen pilgrimage is a reflection of the outstanding characteristics of the Ahlul Bayt (a.s.) school of thought in which both ‘faith, sincere convictions and true beliefs’ and ‘love and affection’ radiate.”
His Eminence also invited Arbaeen pilgrims to observe the rules and regulations about making this pilgrimage, saying: “The administration has imposed certain regulations for leaving the country which should definitely be observed and moving outside the boundary of these regulations is not appropriate.”